Archived Book Chapters
Archived Book Chapters
Alzheimer’s, Age Panic, Neuroscience: Media Discourses of Dementia and Care.
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication. New York: Oxford University Press, 2018.
Peer reviewed reference article. doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780190228613.013.765. (co-author, 40%: I conducted research, drafted, revised, and worked together to finalize for publication).
Unsettling Activisms: Critical Interventions on Aging, Gender, and Social Change.
Introduction to Part III: Embodying.
Edited by Melissa Baldwin, May Chazan, and Patricia Evans. Canadian Scholars/Women’s Press, 2018. 124-128. Invited.
Care Home Stories: Aging, Disability, and Long-Term Residential Care.
Care Home Stories: Aging, Disability and Long-Term Residential Care.
Eds. Sally Chivers and Ulla Kriebernegg. Bielefeld: Verlag Transcript, 2017. 11-20. (collaboration equal).
‘Vampires don’t age, but actors sure do’: The Cult of Youth and the Paradox of Aging in Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Serializing Age: Old Age and Ageing in TV.
Edited by Anita Wohlman and Maricel Oro Piqueras. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 2015. 89-108. Invited.
‘There’s a reason we’re here’: Performative Autobiographics and Age Identity in Performer-Created Intergenerational Theatre.
Alive and Kicking at All Ages: Health, Life Expectancy, and Life Course Identity. Age Studies Series.
Edited by Ulla Kriebernegg, Roberta Maierhofer, and Barbara Ratzenböck. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 2014. 243-258. (lead author, 95%: I conducted the research and wrote the paper in consultation with the other authors.)
Adventures of the Spirit: The Older Woman in the Works of Doris Lessing, Margaret Atwood, and Other Contemporary Women Writers.
“On the Road Again: Aritha Van Herk’s No Fixed Address and Suzette Mayr’s The Widows.”
Ed. Phyllis Sternberg Perrakis. Columbus: Ohio State UP, 2007. 200-215. Invited.
Movie Gods: Great Canadian Movie Directors.
“Hanging in Plain Sight: The Problem Body in Thom Fitzgerald’s Films.”
Ed. George Melnyk. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 2007. 329-344. (collaboration equal).
Unfitting Stories: Narrative Approaches to Disability, Disease and Trauma.
“The Silvering Screen: Age and Trauma in Akira Kurasawa’s Rhapsody in August.”
Ed. Valerie Raoul, Connie Canam, Angela Henderson, and Carla Paterson. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier Press, 2007. 97-104.
Margaret Atwood: The Open Eye.
Margaret Atwood and the Critical Limits of Embodiment.”
Ed. Tobi Kozakewich. Reappraisals series. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2006. 385-396.
Auto/biography in Canada: Critical Directions.
“‘This is my memory, a fact’: The Many Mediations of Mothertalk: Life Stories of Mary Kiyoshi Kiyooka.”
Ed. Julie Rak. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2005. 98-121.
Screening Disability: Essays on Cinema and Disability.
“The Horror of Becoming ‘One of Us’: Tod Browning’s Freaks and Disability.”
Ed. Chris Smit and Anthony Enns. Lanham: University Press of America, 2001. 59-66.