Posts by Sally Chivers
Aging in Data
PROJECT Aging in Data More Info Dr. Sally Chivers is Co-Investigator and sits on the Governing Board. How does an era of unprecedented data-gathering affect how we grow old in our communities? Aging in Data brings together an interdisciplinary network of scholars from ten countries, community-based activists and organizations. We research how age studies intersect…
Read More“With Friends Like These”: Unpacking Panicked Metaphors for Population Ageing
“With Friends Like These”: Unpacking Panicked Metaphors for Population Ageing Date: July 1, 2021 Published in: Societies MDPI Available here for free Age studies scholars have long noted problems with using a tsunami metaphor to describe population ageing. Age-friendly offers a new way to respond to an increase in older adults. Though critical gerontologists identify…
Read MoreArchived Academic Articles
Archived Academic Articles 'Call Security!’: Locks, Risk, Autonomy, and Privacy in Long-Term Residential Care. Ageing International. 1 Jun. 2017. 1-19. DOI 10.1007/s12126-017-9289-3 (co-author, 20%: I participated in research, data collection, data analysis, and writing).See more Gender Regimes in Ontario Nursing Homes: organization, daily work and bodies. Canadian Journal on Aging/ La revue canadienne du vieillissement. 36.2…
Read MoreArchived Book Chapters
Archived Book Chapters Alzheimer’s, Age Panic, Neuroscience: Media Discourses of Dementia and Care. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication. New York: Oxford University Press, 2018. Peer reviewed reference article. doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780190228613.013.765. (co-author, 40%: I conducted research, drafted, revised, and worked together to finalize for publication).See more Unsettling Activisms: Critical Interventions on Aging, Gender, and Social Change. Introduction…
Read MoreHow does cinema represent older age?
How does cinema represent older age? Date: 2014 Interview is in English with Spanish subtitles The Instituto Cultura y Sociedad, Universidad de Navarra, Spain interview
Read MoreENGL 4601H Critical Approaches to Literature: Crip Theory
Hybrid course at Trent University, Winter 2022 ENGL 4601H Critical Approaches to Literature: Crip Theory How does literature contribute to disability justice? What does it mean to “crip” lit? Literary scholars have reclaimed the term “crip” to explore overlaps between queer and disability cultures in neoliberal contexts. This course explores disability approaches to literature in…
Read MoreGESO 2002H Health Humanities
Online course at Trent University, Fall 2021 GESO 2002H Health Humanities As COVID-19 crept across continents, frontline health professionals used Facebook to share tips on opening airways in the absence of ventilators, put together TikTok dance videos, performed choral arrangements via zoom, and tweeted their agony over seemingly impossible situational ethics. Members of the public…
Read MoreENGL-GESO 3609H SickLit
Online course at Trent University, Fall 2021 ENGL-GESO 3609H SickLit This course is about the intersection of illness with literature. We explore how literature reimagines personal experiences of sickness beyond the medical, and we draw on what we learn to reflect upon the role of medical power in daily life. We read literature that imagines disease,…
Read More“If I only [was] a brain’: Dementia Diagnosis in Contemporary Cinema.'”
“If I only [was] a brain’: Dementia Diagnosis in Contemporary Cinema.'” A presentation about depictions of dementia in cinema
Read MoreCozy
Cozy An anguished cry against the neoliberal demands of university life from a privileged but painful position.
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