Wrinkle Radio

A colourful square that reads Don’t panic! It’s just aging. Wrinkle radio with Sally chivers. The background features wrinkled microphones as wallpaper.

Don't panic! It's just aging.

At Wrinkle Radio, the stories we tell about aging matter. We don't fight aging, but we do fight the forces that make aging worse for some people than for others. We fight the forces that tell us that we need to grow old in a certain way. We fight the forces that tell us we have to fear aging. Join host Sally Chivers as we learn and celebrate along the way.

OR - select an episode below to find podcast player, show notes, and full transcripts.

Episode 2: Age Panic

January 13, 2023

Episode 2: Age Panic In this episode: We can’t fight the forces that make us fear aging until we take a closer look at what they are. Featuring host Sally Chivers with more from Andrea Charise (Associate Professor, University of Toronto Scarborough) on: ·      What scares us about aging ·      The value of older people ·      […]

Episode 1: The Power of Greyscale

December 15, 2022

Episode 1: The Power of Greyscale In this episode: What gray hair says about us and the aging world we live in. The debut double episode features Dana Capell (Senior Education Developer, Trent University) and Andrea Charise (Associate Professor, University of Toronto Scarborough) talking with Sally Chivers about: Lisa LaFlamme and our own gray hair […]